Saturday, August 30, 2014

Being Street Smart: Ways to Protect Your Disabled Loved Ones Outside Your Home

No one wants to get hurt as much as you want to protect your loved ones from being hurt. You never want to hurt your children, your mom and even your siblings – what more if they are disabled? Disabled people are more prone to accidents as they have limited mobility. They may be protected in your own house but they may never avoid accidents especially when they are travelling outside.

It is not good to rely on luck, destiny or any other myth to keep them safe. You have to be realistic in keeping them safe by knowing what they have to endure when travelling. Just like you protecting yourself from harm, you would not want your disabled loved ones to get hurt as well. Therefore, here are the street-smart ways to protect your loved ones from harm.

Observe the daily route

Your loved one may be regularly commuting to a certain place and you want to make sure that he or she is safe every traveling time. The first thing you have to do is to set the route your loved one has to take. Accompany him or her in the route and observe any hint of threat. For example, a bumpy road may be damaging to the wheelchair, or the bus may not have a ramp or chairlift Manhattan to assist the disabled. Knowing all these will provide you alternative ways to get into a particular destination in different options.

When you arrive in a particular place, observe where your loved ones must go. There are chairlift Manhattan and elevators that will help disabled people go around the building with ease. This is important especially when your child has to be in a big building. He or she may be intimidated by the large hallways and may be discouraged to enjoy life. Establish a routine with your child so that he or she may know what way is the best to go around the vicinity.

Place contact information everywhere

Put it in the bag; stick it on the wheelchair or any other means to let people contact you just in case something happens. You may want to include not just your contact information but other pertinent details as well. For example, your loved one may also be suffering from any medical condition like diabetes, heart disease and others. This is important so that, when emergency cases happen, the responders will know what to do without asking your disabled loved one. There are cases when the responders put a regular dextrose to a patient without knowing that the patient is actually diabetic.

Regular check

You can also regularly check for any signs of difficulties or accidents – even anticipate any possible trouble. You may want to check your loved one’s chairlift Manhattan for signs of damage or deterioration. Make sure that the wheel is properly aligned, the tires are still sharp and all parts are functioning well; being able to have a peace of mind while your loved one is outside your home is the best feeling you can reward to yourself.

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