Saturday, December 27, 2014

Using Stair lift as an advantage for PWD’s

Accidents that cause mobility dysfunction as well as old age are one of life’s challenges. These things can neither be controlled nor prevented from happening. Since these are situation that we are being put into by forces around us and we have no choice but to accept it and make the best of any situation that are presented to us. Though a person’s life might change drastically in a wink of an eye it is how we try to adjust and accept the situation that we can live our lives in peace and harmony.

Acceptance is the key word for anyone suffering from being dysfunctional, hard as it may seem but it is the only way to enjoy whatever life has left in us. Once accepted everything will fall into its right place and life would be more enjoyable. Moreover with today’s modern technology everything seems very easy for anyone. Many devices have been invented that aims to make one’s life easier to live. Drugs, medical procedures, medical equipments and other new studies are being developed every day. Now the once impossible task 10-15 years ago might not be that impossible anymore. Even the things and equipment that are developed before have evolve making if less expensive and are readily available for anyone to purchase and use. In this generation of new equipments and gadget being disabled is no longer a burden to anyone.

With electronic wheelchairs to stair lift Staten Island it has become easy for person’s with mobility problems to move around easily and freely in his environment as well as in his own house. Before a family with a disabled member or an elderly person needs to make adjustment for them to be able to move around their house easily and without any help. However scaling stairs is often the problem especially if the patient’s old room is located at the house’s second floor. Thus, making ascending and descending steps at home is already a problem of the past for senior persons as well as person with disability. With the improvement of the stair lift, mounting the stairs has become easier without being assisted by anyone. A stair lift Staten Island is a mechanical device installed at a home’s staircase for lifting individual up and down stairs. A rail is mounted to the treads of the steps and a chair or a platform is attached to it moving along the rail that is being controlled by infrared remote controllers.

Furthermore a control circuit design of a stair lift may vary among manufacturers and its model as well as to its type. A curve rail stair lift has more complex controls compared with those of a straight rail. A straight rail is the most common type of stair lifts used in private adobes and the less expensive since it requires shorter installation and its manufacturing needs fewer customizations. Compare to a stair lift with curved rails, which have a more complex design and needs more working hours in installing for a better and safer device. 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thinking of Building a Wheelchair Ramp? Follow This Guide to Know More

Wheelchair ramps have not just only been a building improvement, but it has now become a necessity to any establishments. This is because some of the patrons are of old age or some are physically disabled that they are on wheelchair, and we cannot take for granted for not be able to climb up a stairs to enter a building whether a mall, hospital, restaurants, or even a small town clinic. Many establishments might have not taken into consideration building wheelchair ramps, but eventually when patrons, clients or patients begin to flow thus they will notice the lack of accessibility to the elders and disabled.

For constructing and improvement of any public building or structure wheelchair ramps are required by ADA or Americans with Disabilities Act to put up the ramps for wheelchair users. Designing or building any wheelchair ramps long island is not easy as it seems. Building any structure must follow certain regulations and codes. The codes and regulations stated for construction are not just for paper works they are designed to prevent accidents, make sure that road or in this particular the wheelchair ramps accessible and easy to use. So what are wheelchair ramps and why does a building or structure needs to build one? Wheelchair ramps are an improvement added aside from the stairs, it is an inclined plane or slope used for wheelchairs to climb up as the stairs would be difficult, it can also be used for carts, strollers and other wheeled equipments; thus it extends its function as a wheelchair ramp. However building wheelchair ramps long island requires the builder to follow certain rules and guidelines; this to ensure the safety and sturdiness of the ramps being made and if compatible to a structure. In constructing the ramp there are measurements and specifications the must be followed according the ADA. The height of the slope has a ratio in length, in standard the required ratio is 1:12 this indicates that 1 foot of the plane will only rise or have a slope of 1 inch but the longest platform that can be built; for example if the height of the steps or rise is 2 feet then you should build a long ramp that spans to 20 feet or make it a connecting ramp with 10 feet on each ramp or plane, however please also note that a single ramp plane will only have 30 feet in length maximum. Aside from the wheelchair ramps however there should also be a parking space reserved for vehicles with wheelchair users as required by law. On Residential houses the maximum ration of the rise and length of the slope must not be more than 2:12 as indicated by ADA standards. This standard is implemented for ease of use of wheelchair users.

In any construction any owner who wished to construct any add-ons to their structure either on business or residential it is important to take note of the standards and follow the rules and guidelines as required by law this is not only for safety of the users but of course protection for the owners for any penalties they will get from not following the law.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Portable Ramps: Wheelchair ramp and Scooter

Mobility scooters are an incredible choice for the individuals who need portability help that is constructed for indoor or open air utilization. Many models disassemble into lightweight parts for simple transport, and they have a tendency to have a higher top speed than power chairs, permitting the client to cover long distance some more rapidly.

Scooters offer expanded opportunity to people with less serious physical impedes and are typically bought as a personal decision, instead of a medicinal need. Despite the fact that style may appear inconsequential when tending to handicap, numerous clients just incline toward the look of a scooter.

Scooters have a tendency to be less extravagant than power wheelchairs and are an incredible decision for clients who needn't bother with the extra functionality that power seats give.

Scooters are an extraordinary fit for people whose abdominal area and center are solid enough to work handlebars, and for the individuals who are walking yet profit from portability support. They are additionally perfect for the individuals who need a versatile, lightweight unit that can be utilized outside.

Generally, power wheelchairs are sturdier than scooters, as they're furnished with anywhere in the range of 4-6 wheels, bringing about a more extensive, more steady base. They additionally have a tendency to be heftier and more unbending, a reality which makes them a more sturdy choice.

Also, they are the better decision for those with constrained abdominal area versatility. While a few people may fail to offer the center and arm quality important to control a scooter’s handlebars, force seat holders won't have that issue. Their seats are steered through mounted joysticks that can be controlled by-hand while the arm is very still.

Wheelchair ramps Staten Island offer predominant backing for people who must depend on versatility support for any kind of travel.

Wheelchair ramps Staten Island are an extraordinary fit for people with noteworthy physical limits, who must depend on a portability support every day. They are likewise perfect for the individuals who need a solid, tough, indoor choice, and clients who won't have to transport their gadget regularly.

Whichever sort of device you have, the nature of your life will be upgraded.

Scooter or Wheelchair Ramps

With a specific end goal to boost your opportunity and freedom, it is additionally helpful to have one or more ramps for these mobility supports.

For clients of wheelchair ramps and versatility scooters, the choice of a compact wheelchair ramp can be a significant choice. Settling on the right decision relies on upon a few determination elements.

Convenient scooter ramps are for the most part produced using light weight, tough aluminum. These ramps come in a few styles and sizes, and are adaptable enough to give safe access to numerous places on shifting territory, however not all ramps are suitable for each circumstance.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Caring for your Elderly; Living in a Busy City

Living in a busy city like in New York City, Manhattan, or Brooklyn, is choice for which you need to be either your work requires or needs you to be for your own comfort and savings, or your business is based in that city, or just because you grew up in one of its blocks and still live there with your parents until now. In time you have invested money to your house you probably have it 1 more story high but there is a bit of a problem; that is how can you take care of your elders much better in a house with 2 or more stories high? Gladly there is a product system called the stairlifts or most popularly known as chairlifts, chairlifts NY. This new system revolutionized the caring of the elderly and seniors whether on your own home or on a home care facility. Chairlifts at home has been long used they were probably been inspired by the chairlifts in the mountain areas or on the ski ranges, then they were customized to fit in every home.

The machinery of the chairlift is so sophisticated that it makes it easier to anyone to climb up another story of the house or building without a hassle. The designs are intended for care and convenience of the user whether an elderly, a disable or their guardians. There are different designs, customizations, sizes depending on your needs and specifications you can even specify the color that you like best if you are too strict to decorations and home improvements. Although it sounds so simple, but there is always a risk in any form of structure specifically this kind of machine, where used mainly by the elderly who find climbing a stairs really difficult. Because there are risk and guidelines to be taken seriously it is important to always get an expert to build chairlift for you. A Chairlift NY has been installed to many apartments in New York because there are always the elderly and disabled that will use the system, provided that they are built in high quality, sturdily built, followed building guidelines and has permits. You must also be more aware the ideal and comfortable side of the stairs where you would like to install the chairlift.

The chairlifts did help a lot of elderly living in a big busy city; because we love our elderly we would like them to still have the comfort of living in a 2 story high house or in a high rise apartment. The mechanism is installed to either side of your staircase where you like it to be. It is designed for convenience and purpose of caring to the elderly at home because we want them to move easily between floors without straining and giving stress to them by using the stairs. However we should also think and decide very carefully before installing the chairlift NY machine, we must take note and put into consideration always the safety of our elderly and anyone who will use it.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Being Street Smart: Ways to Protect Your Disabled Loved Ones Outside Your Home

No one wants to get hurt as much as you want to protect your loved ones from being hurt. You never want to hurt your children, your mom and even your siblings – what more if they are disabled? Disabled people are more prone to accidents as they have limited mobility. They may be protected in your own house but they may never avoid accidents especially when they are travelling outside.

It is not good to rely on luck, destiny or any other myth to keep them safe. You have to be realistic in keeping them safe by knowing what they have to endure when travelling. Just like you protecting yourself from harm, you would not want your disabled loved ones to get hurt as well. Therefore, here are the street-smart ways to protect your loved ones from harm.

Observe the daily route

Your loved one may be regularly commuting to a certain place and you want to make sure that he or she is safe every traveling time. The first thing you have to do is to set the route your loved one has to take. Accompany him or her in the route and observe any hint of threat. For example, a bumpy road may be damaging to the wheelchair, or the bus may not have a ramp or chairlift Manhattan to assist the disabled. Knowing all these will provide you alternative ways to get into a particular destination in different options.

When you arrive in a particular place, observe where your loved ones must go. There are chairlift Manhattan and elevators that will help disabled people go around the building with ease. This is important especially when your child has to be in a big building. He or she may be intimidated by the large hallways and may be discouraged to enjoy life. Establish a routine with your child so that he or she may know what way is the best to go around the vicinity.

Place contact information everywhere

Put it in the bag; stick it on the wheelchair or any other means to let people contact you just in case something happens. You may want to include not just your contact information but other pertinent details as well. For example, your loved one may also be suffering from any medical condition like diabetes, heart disease and others. This is important so that, when emergency cases happen, the responders will know what to do without asking your disabled loved one. There are cases when the responders put a regular dextrose to a patient without knowing that the patient is actually diabetic.

Regular check

You can also regularly check for any signs of difficulties or accidents – even anticipate any possible trouble. You may want to check your loved one’s chairlift Manhattan for signs of damage or deterioration. Make sure that the wheel is properly aligned, the tires are still sharp and all parts are functioning well; being able to have a peace of mind while your loved one is outside your home is the best feeling you can reward to yourself.