Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thinking of Building a Wheelchair Ramp? Follow This Guide to Know More

Wheelchair ramps have not just only been a building improvement, but it has now become a necessity to any establishments. This is because some of the patrons are of old age or some are physically disabled that they are on wheelchair, and we cannot take for granted for not be able to climb up a stairs to enter a building whether a mall, hospital, restaurants, or even a small town clinic. Many establishments might have not taken into consideration building wheelchair ramps, but eventually when patrons, clients or patients begin to flow thus they will notice the lack of accessibility to the elders and disabled.

For constructing and improvement of any public building or structure wheelchair ramps are required by ADA or Americans with Disabilities Act to put up the ramps for wheelchair users. Designing or building any wheelchair ramps long island is not easy as it seems. Building any structure must follow certain regulations and codes. The codes and regulations stated for construction are not just for paper works they are designed to prevent accidents, make sure that road or in this particular the wheelchair ramps accessible and easy to use. So what are wheelchair ramps and why does a building or structure needs to build one? Wheelchair ramps are an improvement added aside from the stairs, it is an inclined plane or slope used for wheelchairs to climb up as the stairs would be difficult, it can also be used for carts, strollers and other wheeled equipments; thus it extends its function as a wheelchair ramp. However building wheelchair ramps long island requires the builder to follow certain rules and guidelines; this to ensure the safety and sturdiness of the ramps being made and if compatible to a structure. In constructing the ramp there are measurements and specifications the must be followed according the ADA. The height of the slope has a ratio in length, in standard the required ratio is 1:12 this indicates that 1 foot of the plane will only rise or have a slope of 1 inch but the longest platform that can be built; for example if the height of the steps or rise is 2 feet then you should build a long ramp that spans to 20 feet or make it a connecting ramp with 10 feet on each ramp or plane, however please also note that a single ramp plane will only have 30 feet in length maximum. Aside from the wheelchair ramps however there should also be a parking space reserved for vehicles with wheelchair users as required by law. On Residential houses the maximum ration of the rise and length of the slope must not be more than 2:12 as indicated by ADA standards. This standard is implemented for ease of use of wheelchair users.

In any construction any owner who wished to construct any add-ons to their structure either on business or residential it is important to take note of the standards and follow the rules and guidelines as required by law this is not only for safety of the users but of course protection for the owners for any penalties they will get from not following the law.